Custom ROM HoneyCream4.1 [ICE TELER] Build 1 20120924 for GalMin S5570

ICE TELER (jadi haus nih.. xD ) merupakan versi lanjutan dari custom ROM HoneyCream, tepatnya versi 4.1. Walaupun umur Galaxy Mini sudah cukup tua dan sudah tidak diproduksi lagi, namun ternyata para develpernya tetap aktif mengembangkan Custom ROM untuk GalMin (Galaxy Mini), salah satunya adalah Chitilieaz dengan Ice Telernya (HoneyCream). Seperti biasa, tidak usah kebanyakan prolog, langsung saja check it out !


Why the name rom HoneyCream (ICETELER) see this :
ICETELER is a Next Project of HoneyCream4.0 , with based MORe2.0-beta, so BIG Thanks for Godell for awesome roms xD. if You like the devs dont forget to Hit Thanks button.
ICETELER is based Gingerbread2.3.6 XWKTN firmware. with Default theme ICS Feel by me.
With flashing my rom , you accept for " I am not responsible for any damages you handle, whether it bootloop, softbrick, hardbrick even death total "



Special Big Thanks & Credits :

  1. ALLAH S.W.T
  2. Ma Chao
  3. Ade Choirudin
  4. Nizar lazuardy
  5. C.o.D <D.J> [XDA]
  6. Official GalaxyMini, SGMF, Official GalaxyYoung, Official GalaxyMini2, XDA
  7. You

Main features

1. Fully CM10/9 ( JB / ICS ) Theming ( Default theme is ICS ) *See post #3 for download CM10 Theme or Teler Theme
2. Adding sript for performance *Read " Performance features & Command "
3. Added Many new Option
4. 8Lockscreen ( Experia S,AOSP,Jellybean,Ring,Rotary,Rotary ravamped,Cirle,Lense )
5. 4Way reboot ( Reboot,Recovery,Hot Reboot,Download )
6. 15toogle Statusbar with Tweaks
7. Swipe to remove Notification statusbar
8. Sound step modded
9. Smooth Scrooling
10. DSP Manager & MegaBassBeats by D3HuM4NiZ3D
11. Smooth & Stable for Daily use ( No Need themeing or etc ... )
12. Very GOOD Elegant UI for GingerBread2.3.6
13. Tab on Settings like Jb .
14. Settings shorcut with autohide like CM10/CM9 15. Fixed some libs

Performance features

1. Max Clock freq ( OC ) up to 864MHz
2. 15Govenor ( GOV ) : Lagfree,minmax,braziliarwax,smoothass,SavagedZen,I nteractiveX,Scary,smartassV2,smartass,interactive, conservative,userspace,powersave,ondemand,performance ( Performance as default Gov )
3. 6 I/O scheduler : noop,deadline,cfq,bfq,vr,sio ( sio as default scheduler )
4. Bravia engine & Slaidymodv2.3 5. Read " Command "


1. Adrenaline boost , open terminal emulator , command :
  • su
  • boost
2. To revert back to ROM RAM management values (strict), just type the two commands below in terminal. First command will obtain root, second will execute script
  • su
  • honeymem
3. Change RAM management values to stock (for multi-tasking), just type the two commands below in terminal. First command will obtain root, second will execute script
  • su
  • stockmem
4. cache to data for downloading > 20 mb apps. open terminal emulator , command :
  • su
  • cachetodata

more info see your phone and think of this xD

Instructions and Download

Must Have on Galaxy Mini

1. Upgrade your GalaxyMini to Gingerbread, if you using froyo or Low GB . go to :
2. Using CWM to Flash and Backup Rom go to :
3. Partition SDcard if you want to using S2E, go to

1. Download the Rom
2. Boot into CWM recovery
3. Backup Default rom if you scary to flash the ROMs
4. Wipe data and cache
5. Instal zip from SDcard
6. Choose the ROMs
7. Waiting into finished
8. Wipe data and cache again
9. Reboot system now


ROM Build 1 (20120926) -> >>> LINK <<<
MD5 : 54e9d243dd8680664956b8a483668381
Miror ?? not welcome 


1. Using Partition EXT3/4
2. Using baseband 2.3.4XXKPK *search in google
3. Using update-UI_Shop-CM10_build1, for default UI

Optimal my prefences

Holo launcher :
- Launcher settings
- General -> Customize menu ->on the features : Add, Wallpaper, Manage apps, Edit screens, Launcher settings, System Settings
- Destop Settings -> Grid size "4x5", Transition effect "Card stack", Infinite scrolling "on", Scrolling speed "60", Wallpaper scrolling "on", Scrolling cache " Normal quality"
- Drawer Settings -> Transtition effect "Card stack", Infinite scrolling "on", Scrolling speed "60", Scrolling cache "Normal quality", Join all tabs "off", Favorite tab "off", Open/close animation "Fade", Background transparency "50"
- Dock Settings -> Hide dock divider "on"

- Date and time -> Use 24-hour format "on"
- CMobile -> Lockscreen -> Lockscreen style "Ring", Menu unlock "on"
- CMobile -> Sound -> Dsp manager :
Phone Speaker -> Enable equalizer "on" , Select Preset "Flat"
Headset -> Enable Bass boost "on", Select effect Strength "Extreme"

- Download update-UI_Shop-CM10_build1
- Interface -> Statusbar tweaks :
Battery bar -> regular color "ff00bcff" , Charging color "ffff0000", Static Battery color "ff0057ff"
Custom carrier label -> Set "HoneYCreaM" , backup -> reboot

UI Shop :

*CyanogenMod10 ( CM10 ) UI Build 1 (20120924) >>> LINK <<<

*CyanogenMod9 / AndroidOpenKangProject ( CM9 / AOKP ) UI Build 1 (20120924) [Default UI]

*IceTelerGreper4.1 build 1 ( ITG4.1-b1 ) Downloads : >>> LINK <<< 

*ITG Build 2 >>>LINK<<<



  1. gan, ane pake honeycream 4.1 ko ga bisa buka titanium backup yah. waktu awal2 flashing rom ini si bisa. tapi lama-lama gak bisa. solusi dong? ape harus d root manual??

  2. gejalanya gimana gan ? macet di asking root acces ?
    mungkin sama kasusnya sm ane 2 minggu yang lalu.
    1. coba clear data appnya + install ulang appnya.. (ane gagal)
    2. kalo gak bisa coba root manual (gagal lagi)
    3. install busybox (ane tetep gagal)
    4. akhirnya ane flash ulang CusROMnya (sukses, tp relain data)
    itu pengalaman ane gan.. semoga bisa membantu..

  3. IceTelerGreper4.1 build 1 ( ITG4.1-b1 )
    link matot

  4. BP. Tukirin : ternyata udah keluar build 2..
    sebentar,, akan saya update tulisan ini..

  5. terimakasih atas laporannya Bp. Tukirin :)

  6. Kok waktu pake bluetoothnya, tiba2 devicenya reboot sendiri.. Kenapa ya Gan.. thanks..

  7. Kok waktu pake bluetoothnya, tiba2 devicenya reboot sendiri.. Kenapa ya Gan.. thanks..


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